Membership Guidelines
(Persatuan Psikologi Klinikal Malaysia)
“Clinical psychologist” is a person who has received postgraduate training in the field of clinical psychology; which specializes in the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
The MSCP membership is open to all clinical psychologists and postgraduate clinical psychology trainees; whose work and postgraduate are consistent with the objectives of MSCP (refer to CLAUSE 3 of the Constitution) and ethical standards of the society.
(Link to Constitution: https://www.mscp.my/constitution)
1. "Grandfather Clause"
After much deliberation, we will be implementing a 'grandfather clause'. Please do note that this clause is only for Malaysian graduates before the year 2014.
A) Applicants graduated before 2014
(as per MSCP meeting with University Minutes 17th August 2017 that agreed upon the year 2014)
Employment History - list on place of employment since graduation
Proof of current employment
Approximate number of clients seen per year
Type of clinical cases seen
Proof of no Ethical or disciplinary complaints provided by current employer
2. Applicants graduating after 2014
List of placement hours
List of supervisors and credentials
If 700 direct contact hours, and 1200 hours of placement hours not achieved during masters,​​
a. Collect hours until reached required hours​
b. Attain document by institution on proof of hours collected post masters
c. Please fill in the form, and upload the relevant documents to the following link (https://www.mscp.my/membership-registration-form)
4. Minimum training requirements to be recognized as practicing Clinical Psychologist by
MSCP includes:
a. Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology that is accredited by a regional accreditation body.​
b. The Clinical Psychology program must include practicum component with the appropriate diagnostics, psychotherapeutic techniques, and psychological assessments.
c. Fulfillment of a minimum of 1200 supervised hours, with at least 700 direct client contact hours (updated in 2023).
Membership benefits include:
All full members of MSCP should have the rights to be voted as part of MSCP leadership positions.
All full members of MSCP would have the rights to vote during the election of MSCP executive councils.
All full members, international and provisional members of MSCP would have the priority or discounted payment to register for any events (e.g. conference, workshop, seminar) organized by MSCP.
All student members would be able to enjoy discounted price to the events (e.g. professional development workshop) organized by MSCP. Student members can also sign up for the mentoring system within MSCP networks.
All members are entitled to attend Annual General Meeting (AGM) organized by MSCP.
All members would be able to receive free updated directory of membership, join an online professional consultation group, and receive the e-Newsletter periodically from MSCP.
Newsletter would include the list-serve of current membership, statements from the executive councils, and all the updated announcements of the field (e.g. conferences, training opportunity, and employment opportunity).
Application fees:
Applicants will submit a one-time non-refundable processing fee of RM20 together with the membership payment as stated below:
Full Membership – RM 120.00 annually
International Membership – RM 120.00 annually
International Affiliates – RM 100.00 annually
Student Membership – RM 50.00 annually
Provisional Membership – RM120.00 annually
E.g. if you are applying for full membership, the total fee will be RM20 + RM120 = RM140​
Payment is to be done via direct banking with the details below:
Maybank Account No.: 5140-9311-7359
Name: Persatuan Psikologi Klinikal Malaysia
*Kindly retain payment proof and upload it via application.
*Annual membership begins from January 1 to December 31 of each year.
*All categories of members other than the Honorary Members shall pay a prescribed membership fee every year.
Student members upgrading to Full members, are considered New applicants, and will also be charged a one-time non-refundable RM20 processing fee.
Membership application procedures are as follows:
1. Fill out the relevant online Application Form and obtain endorsement from a referee who is a current Full or International member of MSCP.
Full Membership/International Membership/International Affiliate Registration Form: https://www.mscp.my/membership-registration-form
Student Membership Registration Form:
2. Upload the following documents:
Passport size photo (current)
Proof of identity - a copy of identity card / passport
Evidence of academic records--Academic transcripts (original or certified), and copies of certificates/diplomas from all relevant degrees
Verification letter from institution with summary of total and direct client hours, name and designation of supervisor(s) and place(s) of practicum and logbook detailing hour breakdown (e.g. direct hours, supervision hours & support activity hours).
Proof of professional experiences—Updated CV
Approval letter from institution (for student membership only)
Payment receipt ​
* Please ensure that all documents labelled accordingly with applicant’s name. ​
Additional documents:
If you have not completed 700 direct client contact hours and 1200 total practicum hours during your master programme:
· Graduated before 2014: to provide proof of current employment, approximate number of clients per year, types of clinical cases seen, and declaration of no ethical or disciplinary complaints.
· Graduated after 2014: to provide proof of completion post masters that is verified by institution.
The executive Council will review the application during its regular meeting and reserves all rights to accept or reject any application at its discretion. Applicants would be notified of its final decision within 60 days from its submission. Uncompleted or rejected applications would not be charged for its membership fee, but processing fee is nonrefundable. Appeals from rejected applications would not be entertained.
Note: Any membership application from 1st December onward will be processed as membership for the following year (E.g. Applicant submission after 1st December 2019 will receive Membership e-certificate for year 2020).
Renewal of membership:
Membership fees are to be paid before 31st March each year, to continue enjoying their membership privilege.
A late fee of RM15 is chargeable for renewals made after 31st March of each year.
Anyone who fails to renew their membership 3 months after its expiration will receive a written notification from MSCP, and will be denied the privileges of membership until the due payment is settled.
Anyone who fails to renew their membership 6 months after its expiration will be automatically removed from the membership directory, and denied of the privilege as a member.
Those who lose their membership will have to re-apply for its membership, pay all their dues including processing fees, and subject to the approval of the Executive Council.
Note: The administrative fee, subscription fee and any other fee is subjected to change each year.
Membership Flow:​