Malaysian Society of Clinical Psychology
(ROS: PPM-018-14-16072010)
Date: 9 March 2020
Dear friends and colleagues,
It is with a heavy heart that the Malaysian Clinical Psychology Conference (MCPC) 2020 Organizing Committee has to announce the cancellation of our upcoming conference that has been scheduled to be on the 16th to 18th March 2020 at the Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus. This is in response to the recent unexpected exacerbation of coronavirus (covid-19) new cases in the country. Whilst this was a tough decision for the committee, we firmly believe that it was the right call given the current alarming circumstances.
We would like to thank all our sponsors, workshop participants, poster presenters, oral presenters, and conference delegates for your support and interest. As of the day we announced our cancellation (5th March 2020), the committee would like to share with you that we have received confirmation for:
I. Five (5) corporate sponsorships:
a. Naluri Life Sdn Bhd (Platinum Sponsorship Package)
b. Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd (Gold Sponsorship Package)
c. Servier Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Day 2 Lunch Symposium)
d. Luq’s Art Bloc, Corporate Streets Sdn Bhd (Premium Booth)
e. Solace Asia Sdn Bhd (Premium Booth)
II. Two (2) in-kind sponsorships:
a. Hiden Trading Sdn Bhd (design of banner, bunting, name tag, and program book)
b. SOLS Health (8 onsite volunteers)
III. Fifty-eight (58) pre-congress workshop registrations
IV. One hundred twenty (120) poster or oral abstracts:
a. Sixty (60) posters accepted
b. Twenty-four (24) oral presentation accepted
V. Two hundred and two (202) conference registrations:
a. Forty (40) MSCP member delegates
b. Thirty-five (35) non-MSCP member delegates
c. Fourteen (14) government university/ hospital delegates
d. Thirty-three (33) student delegates
e. Sixty-six (66) student delegates with poster
f. Fourteen (14) international delegates
We continued to further receive registrations and inquiries after the cancellation announcement was made, and we are deeply touched by the support and responses received. We have been urged by many to postpone rather than to cancel the conference, but we are not able to foretell the scale of the outbreak and have no way of anticipating the right time to resume. Hence, we have decided to refund the money that we have received to the respective organizations and individuals for the time being. We hope that you will continue to support the Malaysian Society of Clinical Psychology’s (MSCP) mission to uphold and advance the field of mental health in Malaysia.
For participants who have submitted their abstracts to us, kindly be informed that the abstract is no longer bound and will not be published by MCPC2020. You are highly encouraged to submit the same abstract to other conferences should any opportunities arise in the future.
We would also like to extend our gratitude to the fifty-seven (57) conference faculty who have invested time and energy in the preparation of their presentations. We look forward to working with you again to ensure that your knowledge, skills and experience will be imparted to the mental healthcare providers for the betterment of the area of mental health in Malaysia.
In addition, we thank MY Psychology for collaborating with us on the promotion and marketing of our event.
To the Student Committee from Taylor’s University who have volunteered to help at the conference, we appreciate your commitment and are eager to witness your contribution to the field of psychology.
Most importantly, all of the committee members who have been working tirelessly on MCPC2020, including the Organizing Committee, Scientific Committee, and Partner Organizing Committee from Taylor’s University, should cherish the progress that we have achieved and be proud of the rightful decision that we have made. We would like to use this opportunity to acknowledge every committee member that has been involved in the planning, organizing, and execution of MCPC2020.

Last but not least, we would like to thank the MSCP Executive Committee for entrusting us with the responsibility of organizing the 1st Malaysian Clinical Psychology Conference. It has been our honor and privilege to serve the society and the field of clinical psychology.
Till we meet again at the next 1st Malaysian Clinical Psychology Conference.
MCPC2020 Organizing Committee