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Postponement of the 10th MSCP AGM

Hello there fellow MSCP members.

As you may already have heard, the Malaysian government has declared the start of a Movement Restriction which begins on the 18th of March, till the end of March, 2020. This announcement came following an earlier notice by the Registrar of Societies (ROS) that encouraged the postponing of any and all meetings until July of this year. All of this have been done in response to the escalating cases of Covid-19 amongst Malaysians, and have been done to try and curb it’s spread amongst the general population.

All of you would have received correspondence from us regarding the proposed AGM this Sunday on the 22nd of March. Whilst we made efforts to try and request for a delay from the ROS, they did not recommend any delays or cancellations. Given the requirements, the committee decided to go ahead with the AGM with a skeleton crew physically at the venue, whilst providing everyone the opportunity to join in the AGM online via video conferencing. We were working towards this prior to the announcement by the Malaysian government.

Thus in light of the Movement Restriction, the MSCP committee have decided to postpone our society’s AGM which was scheduled for the 22nd of March. We feel that it is both our ethical and social responsibility to ensure the safety of our members, and it is with that in mind that we have come to this decision.

We have ear marked the 5th of July, 2020 as the tentative new date for our AGM to take place, taking into consideration the unfolding changes as our country battles this infectious disease. Please stay tuned to your emails, our FB page, and also our website for updates.

In the mean time, please stay safe everyone! Remember to keep those hands washed and cleaned, maintain those social distances, and keep on therapy-ing!

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